Wednesday, May 18, 2011


This is the first time that I've heard of crowdfunding journalism. It actually sounded like a very odd idea. Lucky for me I have Google. From my research I've come to learn what crowdfunding journalism is. is a website where anyone can pitch an idea for a news story. If people like what the concept they would pledge money for the idea to be reported. When a story gets enough pledges the news story would be reported and eventually published. It's an easy concept to grasp but will people respond to it?

Looking at the site, it gives evidence that people do consider this as a form of journalism. It is an idea that has the potential to grow. There are a number of people who are pledging money to see stories that they find interesting get published. I believe that this is part of the reason that crowdfunding journalism is growing.

Everyone enjoys reading things that interests them. Personally when I read the newspaper I skim through it until I reach stories that attract my attention. The beauty of crowdfunding journalism would be that people would be pledging to see news that they want to see reported. Instead of hoping to see certain stories in the newspaper there is a chance that, with enough pledges, it can get published.

Pitching ideas to the public must be totally different though. I believe when you pitch ideas for news reports you go consult the editor. To have your ideas almost voted upon by the public must be nerve wracking. It would be scary to see if the topic you want to write about is approved by the public eye.

Is crowdfunding journailism a democratic media? Crowdfunding journalism should be considered a democratic media. Although there is money involved it is not being used for commercial purposes or for purposes of making a profit. The money that is pledged to the news topic is used by the reporter to go and investigate the story. The reporters hope to get the amount of money needed to write the story, sometimes they receive more and that depends on the people's choice. The public chooses to support ideas. So this concept, in my opinion, is democratic media.

Being it the first time I've ever heard crowdfunding journalism, I find it to be really interesting. Journalists are given the opportunity to express themselves with the help of the community. Writing for a newspaper is hard work and it would be even harder without proper and essential funding. Crowdfunding is a way to help journalists achieve their goals. There is always something admirable about seeing people help other people. It warms my little heart.

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