Thursday, May 19, 2011

When is a Hero Not a Hero

The ethical dilemma discussed in this article revolves around a fire fighter named Norman Creger. Word spread that the fire fighter had died in the line of duty when a wall had collapsed on top of him. He was praised in the community and there were several processions that celebrated this veteran. Then 45 days later, a news report arises which states that the fire fighter was intoxicated as he was working. It revealed that he had been drinking before hand which could have resulted in his death. Creger was declared legally drunk at the scene and witnesses saw that he knocked himself out running into a parking meter when the wall fell on him.

After this news report was brought to the public's attention, mass amounts of controversy surrounded it. Who could blame the community for putting pressure on the news paper for publishing a article like that. A veteran fire fighter had died recently and they have the audacity to report such a thing? It is very tricky when dealing with situations like so. You have a everyday hero who risked his life to help others and to besmirch his name is like diving into a tank full of sharks, you just don't do it. The problem that the community had with this news report was that it was almost like they didn't respect him and belittled the fact that he helped during the fire,

I understand the fact that people would feel upset about the writers who wrote the article in the newspaper but they must also recognize that the article written was not meant to disrespect anyone. A good point that was brought up in the reading "The Fallen Angel" was that the newspaper does not make business making or breaking heroes, but by reporting events that happen. The journalists had no intention of "breaking" Creger, the article was just so unexpected that it made it look that way. They were just reporting information that could have caused the death of this fire fighter.

If I were writing about this situation I might handle the situation a little different. As already said in the reading I would give a warning article saying that there is a city investigation about the cause of Creger's death, as opposed to publishing that his drinking could have been the problem. This a sensitive situation so I would probably choose to publish the story later than 45 days, because there are still people who would be mourning the death of a hero.

Even if the article were to be published at a later date I think it would still catch the eye of criticism. People would still think that the name of a hero was tainted. I believe in situations like the of the fire fighter, would be hard to cover. On one hand you want to praise him for his acts but on the other you want to report the latest news. It's not a matter of slandering someone. It's a matter of getting the news out for people to know what is happening in their community and in the end, this is what we should all learn to understand. The news reports what the information but it won't change the fact that Creger was a hero.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


This is the first time that I've heard of crowdfunding journalism. It actually sounded like a very odd idea. Lucky for me I have Google. From my research I've come to learn what crowdfunding journalism is. is a website where anyone can pitch an idea for a news story. If people like what the concept they would pledge money for the idea to be reported. When a story gets enough pledges the news story would be reported and eventually published. It's an easy concept to grasp but will people respond to it?

Looking at the site, it gives evidence that people do consider this as a form of journalism. It is an idea that has the potential to grow. There are a number of people who are pledging money to see stories that they find interesting get published. I believe that this is part of the reason that crowdfunding journalism is growing.

Everyone enjoys reading things that interests them. Personally when I read the newspaper I skim through it until I reach stories that attract my attention. The beauty of crowdfunding journalism would be that people would be pledging to see news that they want to see reported. Instead of hoping to see certain stories in the newspaper there is a chance that, with enough pledges, it can get published.

Pitching ideas to the public must be totally different though. I believe when you pitch ideas for news reports you go consult the editor. To have your ideas almost voted upon by the public must be nerve wracking. It would be scary to see if the topic you want to write about is approved by the public eye.

Is crowdfunding journailism a democratic media? Crowdfunding journalism should be considered a democratic media. Although there is money involved it is not being used for commercial purposes or for purposes of making a profit. The money that is pledged to the news topic is used by the reporter to go and investigate the story. The reporters hope to get the amount of money needed to write the story, sometimes they receive more and that depends on the people's choice. The public chooses to support ideas. So this concept, in my opinion, is democratic media.

Being it the first time I've ever heard crowdfunding journalism, I find it to be really interesting. Journalists are given the opportunity to express themselves with the help of the community. Writing for a newspaper is hard work and it would be even harder without proper and essential funding. Crowdfunding is a way to help journalists achieve their goals. There is always something admirable about seeing people help other people. It warms my little heart.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Dating Talk

Just a couple of days ago senior family students had to sit through a dating seminar. Since I take a family course and since I am to a senior it was mandatory for me to go. Usually when the topic of dating is brought up it is accompanied by the statements "stay abstinent" or "use protection". I thought that this seminar would be a waste of time because I've literally heard all of it before.

The seminar wasn't bad at all, in fact it was very entertaining he was cracking jokes and made everything so relaxed. I was pleasantly surprised to find that the seminar was nothing like I had expected. It was refreshing and insightful. Unlike the usual talks I might get from my parents this seminar taught me about the aspects of dating and the relationships formed from dating. The guest speaker who presented at our school was Brett Ullman. He is a known speaker who travels to countries everywhere. To schools, churches and universities or colleges giving speeches about dating and other topics about life.

According to the Institute of Marriage and Family Canada, in 2004 36.1 percent of couples in marriages will divorce before there 30th wedding anniversary. This is not a reassuring thing to hear. It is especially not reassuring to hear that now considering we live in a society where divorce has become normal. During the seminar Ullman told us that about 20 years ago divorce was irregular and online dating has replaced actually going out on a real date. My have the generations changed.

Wait until you hear this, guess how many high school relationships will last after high school and get married. A big whopping zero. Well this is according to the statistic Ullman gave us. To the rare percent of couples who do last, more power to you. It's feels as if most teenagers are fixated on finding "the one". The glammed up idea of love is made prominent in movies and in shows. This is sure to make youth and teens want to experience the same thing. It gives teenagers this false hope that one day soon a guy will serenade a love song to them unexpectedly and they will have an instant love. Odds are this will never happen. The point that i'm trying to get at is that we shouldn't be in a rush to find our significant other.
Brett Ullman said that we are young and growing up too fast. We need to take things slow. Relationships will work best if you get to know the other person and grow a rapport with one another. Relationships don't necessarily mean boyfriend/girlfriend, it accounts for family and regular friend relationships. There are a lot of things you have to over come to create a lasting partnership. Each party has to consider what both people want and need. It's this never ending list of trials that make people either grow stronger or weaker.

Something that he said which made me laugh but also think at the same time was "don't marry yourself". This means that people should be with a person who has different interests than them. No, you don't have to find you complete opposite, it's just nice to create a balance between what you both like and dislike. I also value his opinion about sex. How we shouldn't just give ourselves up because we are attracted to someone. If you're not as emotionally and mentally inclined to someone as you are physically than you should probably wait.

Brett Ullman taught me a lot about relationships. I've never been the one to be in a rush to get into a relationship. His talk just assured me that my choices and decisions were perfectly fine. Dating is not only based on the attraction but it is based on feelings, understanding, trust and much more. I know that sounds really sappy but it's true. To sum it all up I've learned that I shouldn't be afraid of dating. Rather I should be aware of who I am and who I would like to spend the rest of my life with.

I could go on about his presentation but for now I will just leave this promo of his talk here.

To Cheat or Not to Cheat.

"Cheater, cheater pumpkin eater". A phrase tokened by our kids everywhere. What does this phrase mean? To be honest the relation between cheating and eating pumpkins eludes me to this day. It has been taught to us as little children that cheating is bad. My parents have always said that cheating is for people who don't believe that they can succeed on their own. This brings us to the question, why do we cheat?

There could be many reasons explaining why people cheat. The most common reason is that people do not like failing. Be honest with yourself, the prospect of failure is horrifying. So to avoid failure people have come up with the solution to cheat. Let's take for example, writing tests. A person might feel they are not prepared enough to write it so they would jot down little cheat sheets on their arm or on a hidden piece of paper. Another form of cheating is from the help of a friend.

Imagine this; you are writing a test. You know the answer to a question but not the answer to the other, you look over to your friend's test paper, which on purpose is lying ever so close to the edge of their desk. A side glance on their sheet and bam! The question you have been struggling with has been answered. Both you and your friend repeat this process until the test is done.

A little sneaky, I know, but this is what is done in order to pass and in order to steer clear of failure. People may sometimes think that cheating is an easy deal. They might think that they can get away with it and no one will notice. What they will soon find out is that there are consequences to their actions. If you were to get caught cheating you could be penalized. Consequences that may occur could include failing the test or getting an automatic zero.

Society seems to already be aware of the problems that could arise from cheating but nothing changes. Cheating still happens. It's not the worst offence to cheat but it is a pretty big deal, especially if you are in a educational institution where integrity is something they take pride in.

In my opinion I think that cheating is bad. Morally, I have been taught to be an honest person. Although this is true I've have not been made immune to the temptations of cheating. I can remember a few times in my life where I had cheated. Although I received a passing grade, I didn't feel like I deserved it. Something about not earning a mark, or anything in general, by myself sends me into a spiral of regret and guilt. Cheating is something that could affect your whole life. So before you do it, just think. A failing grade earned by yourself feels better than a passing grade earned by lying. Trust me.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

I Have Royal Wedding Fever!

In my previous blog post I gave you my thoughts prior to the royal wedding. This time around I will entice you, the reader, with my thoughts after the wedding. We have a new happy couple! On Apr.29, 2011 Kate Middleton and Prince William finally tied the knot after years of being together. The ceremony was celebrated all around the world and took over the media. The wedding was covered by many news stations, television networks and was even streamed through the internet. It was made clear that this was the event of the year.

For people like myself the wedding started at 3 in the morning. I could feel my eyes closing shut but I simply could not miss a single moment. I forced myself to stay awake for the whole procession. It's as if this was a bigger moment for me than it was for the actual couple. Their marriage was more than just a wedding it was like a breath of fresh air from the slew of bad news that has poured into our communities. For myself, personally it had me smiling from ear to ear. Billions of eyes tuned into England to watch the couple exchange vows. I could only imagine the feelings that had been running through their minds. The ride to the church seemed to be taking forever. All the streets were filled with pedestrians cheering and waving to the future husband and wife. They were headed to Westminster Abbey, the church which would hold their royal wedding.

At this point I was falling out of my bed. It was hard to compose oneself with all this anticipation. Finally the moment came, the car had arrived at the church and Kate was going to walk out. All I could say was gorgeous. The secret had been unveiled as the world laid their eyes on Kate's dress. It was a beautiful creation made by Sarah Burton at Alexander McQueen. The fit of her dress was perfection it showed her amazing physique but it was still classy. The dress has long lace sleeves and a deep v cut, and the the train of her dress was just right. She looked like a princess and she did a brilliant job combining the classic style with modern style.

When Kate Middleton walked into the church with her father it finally hit that this was not a dream. It was a surreal feeling. With the choir sing in the background gave me the impression that angels were coming down from heaven. Before Kate and her father finished there four minute walk to the alter Prince William walks out with Prince Harry right beside him. William was careful to make his first glance of Kate a surprise. In my honest opinion they are the perfect match for one another. During the ceremony they would glance at one another, they would smile and giggle. It makes me happy to see them enjoy each other's company. As seen in previous interviews William and Kate seem to reassure one another.

When Kate and William had finally met on the alter it was like complete bliss fell upon the world. A traditional ring bearer was not used in their wedding. Instead they had the rings with them already. The wedding ceremony was attended by close friends and family of both Kate and William. Some of the guests included Elton John and Victoria and David Beckham. The couple had also made their own wedding prayer, which I thought was insightful and appropriate.

"God our Father, we thank you for our families; for the love that we share and for the joy of our marriage.

In the busyness of each day keep our eyes fixed on what is real and important in life and help us to be generous with our time and love and energy.

Strengthened by our union help us to serve and comfort those who suffer. We ask this in the Spirit of Jesus Christ. Amen." (1)

The couple were joyous is exchanging vows and saying their "i will's". As they walked out of the church everyone was exclaiming. Personally, I was jumping up and down in my room. I was excited. I think everyone would be excited knowing that there will be a new king and queen in the future of the monarchy.

You could hear the crowds roaring when the two walked out of the church. After the wedding, Kate and William and the wedding party all headed to Buckingham Palace. There was to be a reception held by Prince Harry and then another reception held by the Queen. They rode on extravagant carriages and waved to the thousands of people on the streets. It was like looking into a scene from Cinderella. Everyone awaited for the kiss on the balcony, it's tradition. If remember correctly when the couple walked out on to the balcony the first thing that Kate said was "wow". Waving to the crowd wasn't cutting it for me and I was rolling in eagerness to see them kiss. When they did kiss the whole crowd went wild. Then a surprise came and they kissed once again. Their kisses will go down in history because no other couple ever kissed twice on that balcony.

It is clear to see that I have been entranced by the royal wedding. Maybe it's because the royal wedding reminds me so much of my childhood watching Disney movies. They play true to the concept of a "common girl" falling in love with a prince. I am extremely happy for the both of them and I wish that they do great things. With that I leave you with this glorious video.

1. "Prince William and Catherine Middleton's Prayer." The Royal Wedding. Web. 01 May 2011. < >.